Lagerweij Consulting and Coaching

Don’t Refactor. Rebuild. Kinda.

I recently had the chance to speak at the wonderful Lean Agile Scotland conference. The conference had a very wide range of subjects being discussed on an amazingly high level: complexity theory, lean thinking, agile methods, and even technical practices!

I followed a great presentation by Steve Smith on how the popularity of feature branching strategies make Continuous Integration difficult to impossible. I couldn’t have asked for a better lead in for my own talk.

Which is about giving up and starting over. Kinda.

Learning environments

Why? Because, when you really get down to it, refactoring an old piece of junk, sorry, legacy code, is bloody difficult!

Sure, if you give me a few experienced XP guys, or ‘software craftsmen’, and let us at it, we’ll get it done. But I don’t usually have that luxury. And most organisations don’t.

When you have a team that is new to the agile development practices, like TDD, refactoring, clean code, etc. then learning that stuff in the context of a big ball of mud is really hard.

You see, when people start to learn about something like TDD, they do some exercises, read a book, maybe even get a training. They’ll see this kind of code:

/images/2015/10/Dont-Refactor.-Rebuild.-Kinda.-LASCOT.pngExample code from Kent Beck’s book: “Test Drive Development: By Example”;

Then they get back to work, and are on their own again, and they’re confronted with something like this:

/images/2015/10/Dont-Refactor.-Rebuild.-Kinda.-LASCOT-1.pngCode Sample from my post “Code Cleaning: A refactoring example in 50 easy steps”;

And then, when they say that TDD doesn’t work, or that agile won’t work in their ‘real world’ situation we say they didn’t try hard enough. In these circumstances it is very hard to succeed. 

So how can we deal with situations like this? As I mentioned above, an influx of experienced developers that know how to get a legacy system under control is wonderful, but not very likely. Developers that haven’t done that sort of thing before really will need time to gain the necessary skills, and that needs to be done in a more controlled, or controllable, environment. Like a new codebase, started from scratch.

Easy now, I understand your reluctance! Throwing away everything you’ve built and starting over is pretty much the reverse of the advice we normally give.

Let me explain using an example.

Extending the Goal in Scrum

In his post “The Goal in Scrum”, Ron Jeffries makes the case for having a proper, higher-level-than-stories, Sprint Goal. As he says:

This is better, because it allows the wisdom and knowledge of the team to be fully exercised, and because it keeps focus on “what” is needed more than on just how it is to be done.

The point is well made, and true. Many Scrum teams would be much better off when adopting this practice. If you haven’t read the article yet, please do so now. It’s short and to the point, I’ll wait right here.

Agile 2015 Talk: Don’t Refactor. Rebuild. Kinda.

Monday, August 3, I had the opportunity to give a talk at the Agile Alliance’s Agile 2015 conference in Washington, D.C. My first conference in the US, and it was absolutely fantastic to be able to meet so many people I’d only interacted with on mailing lists and twitter. It was also a huge conference, with about 17 concurrent tracks and 2200 participants. I’m sure I’ve missed meeting as many people as I did manage to find in those masses. /images/2015/08/IMG_20150803_135914.jpg

From Here to Continuous Delivery

Situation Normal

There’s a clear pattern for software development. A pattern of lost opportunity.

In most, if not all, places where I’m called in the base question deals with the inability to deliver. Management sees that the plans they have are simply not going to be realised.

Business opportunities are lost waiting. Waiting for the next available spot in the product roadmap. Waiting for the development team to finish ‘stabilizing’ the system. Waiting for lengthy ‘refactoring’ phase to complete. Waiting for new servers to be delivered (in only six weeks!). Waiting for a PMO organisation to complete project initiation and relative priority. Waiting for development to complete coding. Waiting for a testing phase to complete. Waiting for management to analyse long lists of known issues and risks so they can decide whether a release is possible.

XP2015 Workshop: Continuous Delivery using Docker and Jenkins Job Builder


On 25 May, I had the opportunity to give a workshop at the XP 2015 conference in Helsinki on using Jenkins Job Builder to set-up a delivery pipeline to build and deploy Docker images. The full source for the workshop can be found on my github account: This post takes you through the full workshop.

The workshop slides can be found on slideshare:

Outside in, whatever’s at the core

I haven’t written anything on here for quite a while. I haven’t been sitting still, though. I’ve gone independent (yes, I’m for hire!) and been working with a few clients, generally having a lot of fun.

I was also lucky enough to be able to function as Chet’s assistent (he doesn’t need one, which was part of the luck:-) while he was giving the CSD course at Qualogy, recently. Always a joy to observe, and some valuable reminders of some basics of TDD!

One of those basics is the switch between design and implementation that you regularly make when test-driving your code. When you write the first test for some functionality, you are writing a test against a non-existing piece of code. You might create an instance of an as-yet non-existing class (Arranging the context of the test), call a non-existent method on that class (Acting on that context), and then calling another non-existing method to verify results (Asserting). Then, to get the test to compile (but still fail), you create those missing elements. All that time, you’re not worrying about implementation, you’re only worrying about design.

Later, when you’re adding a second test, you’ll be using those same elements, but changing the implementation of the class you’ve created. Only when a test needs some new concepts will the design again evolve, but those tests will trigger an empty or trivial implementation for any new elements.

So separation of design and implementation, a good thing. And not just when writing micro-tests to drive low-level design for new, fresh classes. What if you’re dealing with a large, legacy, untested code base? You can use a similar approach to discover your (future…) design.