Peter Stevens, over at
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I like Mary's response a lot, where she basically states that Scrum and Kanban each have their own strengths, and each is suited for their own specific set of circumstances.
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Scrum is basically a method of accomplishing work through cadenced iterations. Kanban is a method of accomplishing work through limiting work-in-process and managing flow. I have found that some work especially creative work is more effectively managed with iterations, while other work especially naturally sequential work is more naturally managed with Kanban. — Mary Poppendieck
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She also stresses that, whether you choose to use Scrum or Kanban, the point is that you keep improving on your way of working, so:
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Lean would have every company view these techniques as starting points that are constantly improved, so after a few years, Scrum and Kanban should evolve and change to something quite different than their starting point. — Mary Poppendieck
This suits the way that I view these things very well. Use the tools most suited for the situation, and see where it leads you.
Of course, the best way to choose is to try each, and measure results. Which brings us to another question: what and how do we measure? At the moment, I'm leaning towards flow (time for work to flow through the system), and Henrik Kniberg's <a href="">Happiness index</a>. Getting that last one adopted anywhere is going to be an interesting challenge, though...